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    Friday, December 2, 2016


    If you’re seeking about the role of vitamins and minerals play in the stop smoking process, there is hope. Smoking depletes several vitamins and minerals in your body, particularly vitamin C. Almost all smokers are deficient in vitamins and minerals and can have a very difficult time replacing their vitamin and mineral stores, especially if they have not yet quit. Quitting smoking is literally a life-changing event. Nicotine has your body hooked on physical, emotional and psychological levels. Kicking the habit is a great start to reclaiming your health and your life. Once you’ve quit smoking, you need to replace these stores of vitamins and minerals that are essential for life. Patients who are undergoing smoking cessation need higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals supplements. Vitamins and minerals set up the body with a natural resistance against the addictive and exciting properties of nicotine which intensify withdrawal symptoms and cause smokers to go back to cigarettes.  Vitamins and minerals can also help you to recover from smoking while soothing withdrawal symptoms. We can safely say a diet containing the full supplies of vitamins and minerals is crucial not only to good health, but to the body recovery and healing process after smoking cessation. You should take these vitamins and minerals through natural sources. This is because you get the full benefits of these nutrients in their natural form rather than in a processed form.  Most, if not all, of these vitamins and minerals can be gotten from fruits and vegetables. Avail yourself of these gifts of nature. They will help you pull through the nasty symptoms of cigarette withdrawal. However, be sure to consult with your doctor that you can do this in safety, and don’t forget that, too much can also be injurious, so don’t over-consume any particular nutrient through diet, supplements or both.


    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is potent antioxidant that protects tissues and cell membranes. It helps to neutralize cancer-promoting free radicals in the lungs as well as other tissues and helps to keep your arteries and lungs free of toxins. It also repairs cell damage caused by cigarette smoking. It is considered to be important in preventing heart attacks. Because of the increased stress to the heart caused by smoking, the heart attack prevention that vitamin E provides is especially important to smokers.
    In addition to helping to prevent heart attacks in smokers, Vitamin E’s antioxidant properties can also help to diminish damage to the respiratory system. It will not only boost the health of your respiratory system, it will also help you fight oxidative stress.
    When there are too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants in the body, a condition known as oxidative stress occurs. This is thought to play a part in the development of a whole host of diseases, including cancer and heart disease.
    Cigarette smoking speeds up the production of free radicals, and at the same time, depletes levels of important antioxidants in the body. Not a good situation for smokers, who especially need the health benefits of antioxidants.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant powerhouse. And since smokers have poorer levels of vitamin E in their bodies than non-smokers, it’s imperative to add this vitamin to your diet as you try to quit smoking.
    Unfortunately, research has not confirmed that vitamin E supplements actually help to prevent cancer, heart disease, or symptoms of aging. In fact, studies suggest that taking vitamin E supplements in amounts higher than 400 IU a day may be harmful, which include the risk of death in a number of causes, may increase certain kinds of heart disease, and increase overall mortality.  The daily recommendation of vitamin E for adults is 8 to 10 mg. People taking high blood pressure medication or anticoagulants should check with their doctors before taking Vitamin E supplements. It is best to obtain your vitamin E by eating a sensible diet.

    Natural Sources of Vitamin E

    Food sources of vitamin E, which may keep your blood vessels healthy, include Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Peanuts and other raw nuts and seeds are excellent sources of natural vitamin E. Other good sources are Cold-pressed vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower), liver; egg yolks ,wheat germ oil, whole-grain products, dried beans, legumes, corn and asparagus, Leafy green vegetables Swiss chard, cooked spinach and other dark leafy greens Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens, Sweet potatoes, Avocados, papaya, peaches, prunes, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus Bell Peppers, , Dried Apricots and Blueberries.

    Vitamin B Complex

    Smoking triggers the release of stress hormones in the body. The B vitamins have natural calming properties which lessen the withdrawal symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia that often occur with smoking cessation. Your body uses more B vitamins when you are under stress and smoking depletes the body of B vitamins, so it is important to start taking B vitamins at least 2 weeks before you plan to quit. This means an increased need for the entire B vitamins group, including folic acid is especially important for quitting smoking. The water-soluble Vitamin B is a group of eleven vitamins that work together as a team, all these B Vitamins that you get in a complex: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12, so when supplementing, be sure to take a B-complex to get the whole B spectrum.

    Natural Sources of Vitamin B Complex

    Vitamin B complex can be found in many food groups which include green and leafy vegetables, dairy products, fresh fruits, and certain meats. Therefore, foods containing Vitamin B complex are brewer’s yeast, milk, whole grain cereals, liver, eggs, nuts, poultry, fish and yogurt, bananas, potatoes, beans, lentils, and chili peppers to name a few.

    Vitamin C

    Smokers suffer from vitamin C deficiencies. Smoking one cigarette uses up approximately 25mg of vitamin C. Smoking many cigarettes a day will use up any vitamin C which you get from your meals, causing the body to function in short supply of Vitamin C. Even moderate smokers are short on their vitamin C levels in the body. Daily ingestion of vitamin C improves the body’s ability to resist illness, boosts energy and repairs tissue, bones and blood vessels that have been damaged by years of cigarette smoking.
    Cigarette smoking leads to the increased oxidative damage of lung tissue. Basically, the toxins found in cigarette smoke boost the production of free radicals that affix themselves to lung cells and cause their damage or death. Vitamin C is essential for protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.
    Smoking bombards your body with over 4,000 chemicals every time that you smoke. This translates into a lot of free radicals. Your cells make even more when they process these chemicals. Vitamin C is the key to helping your body repair itself after smoking. Vitamin C high in antioxidants it helps repair the damage caused by oxidant chemicals in cigarette smoke and also clears free radicals out of your body. It is needed for dozens of bodily functions that protect your body and give it energy to live.
    Most people think that when they quit smoking they will gain weight, here is some more good news. Smoking depletes the blood concentration of vitamin C in the body. Establishing normal vitamin C levels can actually promote weight-loss. Vitamin C is an important component of carnitine, which is responsible for fat oxidation. Without enough vitamin C, the body’s ability to burn fat is greatly reduced, even during exercise.
    Vitamin C has also been shown to help the body recover from stress. Indeed the first few weeks of quitting smoking will be some of the most stressful times, and vitamin C will help. Vitamin C plays an important role in proper nerve function and has been shown to help with depression, anxiety, irritability and nervousness. It may not take the cravings away completely, but it certainly will take the edge off.
    It is advised to supplement with Vitamin C as you prepare to quit, and continue taking it for a few months after you have quit, as Vitamin C will provide a lot of support to the body at this time. Higher doses of vitamin C may also lessen nicotine cravings. It is an essential nutrient in the quit smoking process.

    Natural Sources of Vitamin C

    Fruits that are pack with vitamin C are: Cantaloupe, Plums, Black Currant, Kiwi, Orange, Melon, Banana, Avocado, Guava, Strawberries, Papaya, all kinds of Berries, and Citrus Fruits. And vegetables are Tomatoes, Potatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Red and Green Bell Peppers, Cabbage, and Spinach. Sweet Red peppers have more than three times the vitamin C of Orange juice.

    Vitamin F

    Vitamin F consists of a group of polyunsaturated fats called Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), they are also referred to as polyunsaturates. Essentially, there are two main types of EFAs: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can help to stabilize mood swings which can be commonly experienced when quitting smoking. These essential fatty acids are essential nutrient for nervous system health. The human body can't produce omega 3-fatty acids on its own; it is imperative that you get your supply of EFAs through dietary means. To ensure that you’re getting enough omega-3 and omega-6, take daily supplements in the form of fish oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, primrose oil, blackcurrant oil, or borage oil.

    Natural Sources of Vitamin F

    Vitamin F can be found in sea food like salmon, herring, anchovies, and mackerel, In healthy vegetable oils like sunflower seeds, olive, safflower, canola, and grape seed, In nuts particularly hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts. In Legumes, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds and avocado. EFAs are also available in supplement form - such as fish oil capsules or evening primrose oil.



    The anti-oxidant trace mineral selenium protects against free radical damage that tobacco causes, reducing the risk of cancer, and also enhances the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E. Selenium acts to prevent the accumulation in your body of toxic deposits of heavy metals like cadmium. One of the risks faced in smoking is heavy metal poisoning from the cadmium in cigarette smoke. Smoking creates an accumulation of cadmium in organs and the severe anemia associated with cadmium toxicity. Chemically, Selenium creates a bond with the metal, thus rendering it less harmful and helping your body to eliminate it. Selenium also counteracts many of the toxic effects of smoking tobacco. Smoking depletes the body's selenium supplies. In the liver this mineral retards the conversion of hydrocarbons into carcinogens — an important function in our polluted environment.  Selenium helps with hormone production, transmitting impulses through the nervous system and also helps to maintain a regular heartbeat. It prevents heart disease to which smokers are likely to suffer.

    Natural Sources of Selenium

    Selenium is found naturally in seafood like crab, shrimp, lobster and other coldwater fish especially tuna and salmon, halibut, Chicken, Liver, dark mushrooms, Yeast, brown rice wheat germ whole grain bread , pasta, nuts, eggs, onions, broccoli and garlic are all great sources of selenium. The richest natural source of selenium is Brazil nuts.


    Magnesium is important mineral for blood circulation and the health of your nervous system; it is believed that the stress of smoking can deplete magnesium from the body. It calms the nerves and helps ease stress related withdrawal symptoms.  Since magnesium and calcium all work together to make your heart muscle contract in a regular rhythm, one of the first signs of a magnesium deficiency is an irregular heartbeat. As a result of calcium/magnesium imbalance, calcium deposits may form on the heart muscle. If this happens, the heart cannot contract properly.

    Natural Sources Magnesium

    Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds and other seeds, halibut, shrimp, whole-wheat bread, milk, Whole grain products, lima beans, black-eyed peas, soybeans, legumes, avocados, bananas, and kiwifruit.


    Chromium is a trace mineral that enhances the activity of insulin, helps maintain normal blood sugar (glucose) levels, and is needed to free energy from glucose. It can help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods by regulating the drop in blood sugar levels which is common after quitting smoking. Chromium will also help your body deal with stress as it reduces elevated cortisol levels. Recommended Daily Dose: Up to 120 mg. Warnings: People who are allergic to yeast should not take chromium supplements.

    Natural Sources Chromium

    Chromium is found in some cereals and grains like green beans, barley, and oats. One of the best food sources of chromium is Broccoli. Turkey, Fish, Grape juice, Nuts, Tomatoes, Romaine lettuce, Egg yolk, Brewer's yeast, Beef, Cheese, Liver, Wine, wheat Bread, whole meal, wheat, Black pepper, Rye bread, Chilli fresh, Apple peel, Potatoes, old, Oysters, Potatoes, new, Margarine, Spaghetti, Cornflakes, Spirits, Butter, Spinach, Egg white, Oranges, Beer, Garlic, Basil, and mushrooms are also good sources.


    Aside the damage that nicotine and cigarette smoke does to heart and lungs, smoking depletes the body’s supply of calcium, leading to bone loss, which naturally occurs with age. Smoking reduces the amount of calcium your bones absorb. Vitamin D helps bones to absorb calcium, but smoking interferes with how your body uses vitamin D less calcium is then available to build strong bones. As a result, your bones start to get brittle. A year 2000 study by the Center for Clinical and Basic Research indicates that smoking can boost the rapidity of bone loss because calcium, a vital mineral for healthy bones, is stripped from the body by nicotine. Adding a calcium supplement or increasing natural calcium consumption can neutralize this effect, keeping bones strong and healthy.

    Natural Sources of Calcium

    Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt – low-fat ones are best, and it doesn't matter if they come from cows or other animals, for example goats, skimmed and semi-skimmed milk contains more calcium than full-fat milk. Fortified products such as cereals, oats, orange juice, tofu and soya milk. Fish with the bones such as tinned sardines and salmon, Calcium also found in some nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Calcium is present in leafy green vegetables watercress, beans and chickpeas, some dark green leafy vegetables especially spinach, rhubarb, turnip and mustard greens, kale, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli.
    Coral Calcium: Coral calcium is a natural source of Calcium obtained from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to increase bone mass and thereby helping your bones to strong and healthy.

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