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    Friday, December 2, 2016


    Blackheads are small bumps caused by blocked pores (hair follicles) in the skin that are filled with skin debris or keratin and sebum, an oily substance. They can be called first stage acne, before bacteria enters the clogged pores. Blackhead’s dark surface, caused by oxidation, can be very unsightly. Blackheads occur mainly on the face and nose, but they can also appear on the ears or anywhere else on the body and are a common problem among adolescents especially those with oily skin. Two main causes of this problem are hormonal changes in the body and excessive use of cosmetic products. It is a very common skin problem that affects many people. But on the whole, they tend to mean a common skin problem that can spoil your appearance. You don’t need to push, pull, and press the blackheads for removing black heads especially if black heads are on nose. Here are some effective natural home remedies to get rid of blackheads easily. Using these simple, natural tips you can safely remove and prevent further black heads naturally.


    White Lentil, Egg white Mask

    This mask can be used as a secret ingredient to get rid of blackheads. Soak 2-3 tbs White Lentil/Black gram skinned (Urad/Mash dhuli) for 30 minutes now make paste by adding an egg white to apply and leave it until dry.  Then wash it off with warm water and pat dry. It is a most effective & magical remedy to get rid of blackheads completely.

    Refrigerated Tomatoes

    Tomatoes have natural antiseptic properties that dry up blackheads. Take a medium fresh and tight tomato, cut into half and put in freezer for 15 minutes, then rubs it over the areas (Nose & Face) where the blackheads are found before going to bed. Leave overnight and then wash your face with plain water in the morning. This will make blackheads naturally fall off from the surface of the skin.

    Castor oil

    Apply a few drops of the Castor oil on your clean fingers and slather the oil onto your face and massage gently in a circular motion. After 5-6 minutes, pour hot water in a medium bowl, use a towel to cover your head and steam your complexion for 4-5 minutes. Finally, use a washcloth to remove the liquid and oil excess together with the dirt from your face that causes blackheads. Gently pat dry with a towel.

    Fuller’s Earth, Tincture of Benzoin, Distilled witch hazel

    Combine ½ cup fuller's earth, 1 tsp tincture of benzoin, enough distilled witch hazel and stir thoroughly. Apply the mask to your skin.  Let mask dry and harden, about 30 to 40 minutes. Soak a small hand towel in warm water and lay it across your face. When the mask starts to soften up, gently rub it with the towel in a circular motion. Rinse with plenty of warm water.

    Facial Steaming

    Give steam session on your face once a week, this will expand the pores and bring the blackheads on the surface. In the water you can also add a few drops of Lemon rind or Tea tree oil to have a better effect and then use a natural exfoliator to scrub off the blackheads and whiteheads gently. Then wash your face with warm water and a mild face wash. This is one of the simplest and best home remedy to get rid of blackheads naturally.

    Boric power, Lemon juice, Sugar

    Add each of one pinches boric power and sugar in 1 tbsp of lemon juice and put it in a jar and leave it for few days. Put it on our face wrinkles and black heads they will be removed. Or take 2 cups of boiled water and add ½ tablespoons of boric powder into it. Next soak/steam a hand towel in this water and place the steamed towel on your face. Repeat the procedure twice.  Extrude blackheads carefully with a blackhead extractor and sterilized cotton wool.

    Toothpaste, Salt

    Tooth paste is the best of the best thing in clearing blackheads. Blend half teaspoon of salt with one teaspoon of Mint toothpaste and make a smooth paste. If the paste is too thick then add some water for easier application. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste over the blackheads and then rub with smooth finger tips and then wash your face with chilled water to close all the pores. Repeat this remedy for two weeks to be free from blackheads and you will see the difference immediately.

    Lime Juice, Almond oil, Glycerin

    Make a lotion with equal parts of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin. Apply the lotion to your face daily. It will not only cure blackheads but the discoloring spots on the face too.

    Lime Juice, Salt

    Mix same quantity of salt and lime juice. Apply this to the skin with blackheads; let it dry for few minutes. Then wash it off with water and pat dry.

    Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Olive oil

    Wash your face with hot water, to open up the pores. First apply some olive oil or almond oil and then gently rub the Mint toothpaste on the affected area. Wet the toothbrush and gently scrub the affected area with a toothbrush. If you have blackheads on the nose apply a small amount of toothpaste, but don’t apply it near the eyes. Since, menthol vapors can irritate the eyes. Repeat daily until the affected area is clear. Always sterilize the toothbrush after use.

    Salty water

    A dense, but effective way of getting rid of blackheads is washing the affected area with salt water on a steady base. This should serve to gradually get rid of the excessive oil in the area and prevent formation of blackheads and acne.

    Aloe vera gel, Tomato juice

    Applying combination of Aloe vera gel and Tomatoes juice to the affected area before sleeping at night and in the morning gently scrubbing the blackheads using a towel may help eliminate them.

    Groundnut oil, Lime juice

    Groundnut oil can not only remove blackheads but prevent their future growth, too. Mix 1 tsp groundnut oil with 1 tsp fresh lime juice and apply to affected area let it remain there for about 15 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

    Radish Seeds, Milk

    Make a smooth paste of radish seeds powder and milk and apply it on the blackheads prone area. Leave for 20 minutes or till it dries. Wash off with lukewarm water. This is one of the most effective blackhead removal techniques.

    Pomegranate Rind, Lime juice

    Make a fine powder of sun dried rinds of pomegranate. Add enough lime juice to pomegranate peel powder to get a paste. Apply this paste on your blackheads. This is not only a good remedy for blackheads but also for whiteheads, pimples, boils and acne.

    Glycerin soap, Fuller’s Earth, Almond powder
    Make a smooth paste of one part fuller's earth (multani mitti) 2 parts glycerin soap and 4 parts almond powder and enough rose water to make a paste. Apply the paste on the blackheads. This would not only control black heads but would also keep the skin smooth and silky.

    Almond Face Scrub

    Almonds act as gentle exfoliators that remove dead cells and rid skin of germs and excess oils that cause clogged pores. Almond powder is great thing to treat black or white heads and you need to mix it with crushed almonds gram flour ((besan) and rose water to exfoliate the affected area and then scrub it off after 20 minutes and you can use it almost every day to get rid of black heads. This is another blackhead removal at home technique that is quite popular.

    Potato skin

    If your blackheads are soft and they are not old enough then you can try potato skin to treat them so you just need to make a smooth paste of potato peels and then apply over on your face with soft hands and you can let the potato peel juice on your face for bleaching effect too.

    Epsom Salt, Iodine

    Epsom salt mixed with iodine form a bacteria-fighting combo perfect for removing blackheads.  Mix one tbs of Epsom salt and a few drops of Iodine in a little hot water until the salt dissolves completely. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Use a cotton ball to apply to the mixture on the affected area. Allow the mixture to dry. Then gently rinse the mixture off with clean warm water.

    Neem leaves, Turmeric root

    Turmeric is considered to be a great healing ingredient, can also be used to treat blackheads. Make a very fine and smooth paste of 10-15 neem leaves with 2 gm turmeric root by adding a little water or rose water. Apply on the blackheads on a regular basis. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

    Egg white, Honey, Lemon juice

    Raw egg white is an effective home remedy to get rid of blackheads. You can create an effective blackhead removal mask by beating an egg white, one tsp honey and one tsp lemon juice. First do facial steaming or wash your face with lukewarm water to afford up your pores.  Gently pat dry with a towel. Apply this mixture over the area of blackheads, leave for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

    Organic Honey Treatment

    Honey is quite helpful in getting rid of blackheads. Honey has antiseptic properties that work wonders for both oily skin and blackheads. The natural cleansing property of honey will clear the blackheads and keep your skin healthy.  All you need to do is warm some organic honey and apply it on blackhead prone areas for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it with warm water and what you get is a blackhead free skin.

    Green Tea Scrub

    One of the mildest yet most effective means of getting rid of blackheads is green tea. Its antioxidant properties help the skin in getting rid of dirt and bacteria build-up that leads to all forms of acne, including blackheads. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of dry loose green tea leaves with ½ teaspoon lemon juice and1 tablespoon organic honey to make a paste. Rub this paste on the blackheads for two to three minutes as a face scrub. Do it twice a week. This scrub deep cleans oily skin and helps unclog pores. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

    Cornmeal, Face wash

    Cornmeal acts as an abrasive exfoliant to clean out dirt blocking the pores in your skin. Mix one tablespoon of powdered cornmeal with some of your regular face wash. Apply the mixture and gently massage it in a circular motion. Rub this gently on your face focusing on your blackheads (don’t be too harsh though as this could inadvertently damage your skin). After a few minutes, Rinse the soap and cornmeal off with warm water.

    Baking soda Scrub

    Take and Mix well 1 tablespoon of baking soda and ½ teaspoon lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of rose water. Now use this paste as scrub on the affected area. Make sure to just scrub in gentle motions to not harm the skin. After 2 to 3 minutes, rinse off with warm water. Make sure you scrub the skin only after steaming the face.  The baking soda mixture will dry up the blackheads. You need to moisturize after this scrub, which can dry up your face. Use a drop or two of olive/coconut oil. The baking soda also has bleaching properties that make the skin glow and brighten along with removing blackheads from nose and face.

    Lemon Juice, Rosewater, Honey

    Lemon juice has acidic properties, which helps remove oil from the skin and help get rid of blackheads indirectly and it is have very well for oily skin issues too. It is also known to have antiseptic and antioxidant properties, the lemon makes it a popular home remedy to get rid of blackheads from the nose and face. Honey hydrates as well as tightens the skin pores, giving you a clear complexion.
    Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with 1 tbsp of milk or rosewater. Wash your face with warm water and apply the mixture on the blackheads. Leave for some 20 minutes and wash your face again with warm water. Clean your face with this facial cleanser daily for 10 to 12 days.

    Vinegar, Lemon Juice

    Squeeze one lemon juice in a bowl and add 1 tbs vinegar and stir the mixture well. Splash your face with cold water to close up pores. Gently pat dry with a towel and then apply this to the skin with blackheads. The vinegar and the natural acid capability of the lemon, make a perfect combination in drying up blackheads. Instantly, you will feel that your blackheads are lessened. Your skin will be more clean and glowing.

    Oatmeal, Honey, Lemon juice

    Oatmeal is one of the gentlest natural exfoliators you can find. It is an excellent absorbent which soaks up excess oils on the skin's surface and leaves your skin feeling soft and supple. Mix one tsp of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice with 2-4 tbsp of oatmeal, and make a soft paste apply it on the face. Rub it on skin with fingertips especially on the affected areas. Let it remain as it is for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

    Non-toxic Glue

    Acquire some simple non toxic glue. Before applying glue, use steam to help open the pores on your face. Then apply non-toxic glue on the affected area and leave it until dry. Once dry then peel off the glue. Avoid this if your skin is very sensitive.

    Strawberry leaves paste

    Strawberry leaves paste on the blackhead can also be helpful. Use this scrub to gently rub your face, give more efforts where you have your blackheads. The alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling and cleanse the pores those are blocked.

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